Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Screw You, 2008!
For me, 2008 sucked. I worked for an awful, crazy, delusional and paranoid boss in a job I hated, left that job to take another job that fell through the cracks, and spent the last 2 1/2 months of the year unemployed. 2008 was the year that Dave's blood pressure went through the roof and his ugly genetically-high cholesterol decided to stop by and stay a while. We had major issues in the fertility department and to top it all off, kidney stones was my birthday gift.
Thanks, 2008. You suck!!!
But 2009? 2009 is already looking better. I have a new job which will start soon, and we'll be relocating to Columbus. Yes, things are looking up.
Happy New Year, everyone!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Hi Mom!
Mom, how come you never comment on my fabulous blog?!? (She hates how often I use the word "fabulous.")
Anyway, welcome to the blog, Mom. I'll see you next week. Love you!
Monday, December 8, 2008
My Little Charlie Brown Christmas Tree
Enter the little pencil tree I rescued from my mom! I bought it 5 years ago for my office. Mom saw it when I moved, and she totally stole it. Okay, maybe "stole" is a harsh word. Maybe I meant to say "borrowed knowing full well she would never return it so I had to stage a rescue."
Anyway, it fits perfectly on a side table in the living room. The only sad thing is that the beautiful angel that I love so much cannot fit onto the top of the tree. So I have it sitting beside the tree instead.
Instead of the angel, I have a little Boyd's Bear Santa on top of the tree instead.
And you know what, I really love the little tree! It's perfect. It makes me happy. And at a time when a lot of things have made me sad this season, it's nice to come home to a warm feeling.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Hate is Such a Strong Word
I used to work with this guy, Greg, who was hilarious! I loved being around him. He was hilarious, and he always found a way to cut the stress in our office. We worked for this absolute crazy nazi-ish manager and he could make her look so ridiculous that I would laugh myself into an asthma attack. And having to use that inhaler that made me shake like an addict was totally worth it. But he was constantly pouring himself huge glasses of water out of a pitcher he kept out of his desk.
And he knew it drove me crazy, so he did it even more. Oh, that sound! It haunts me. And when that commercial comes on, I can't mute the TV quick enough.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Thanksgiving Can Last For a Week, Right?
I figured we would stay through the weekend in order to help Gramma put up the tree and decorate, but I extended my stay a few days in order to bake Christmas cookies. We freeze them so they are wonderful on Christmas Day...otherwise, yuck! Too early. We also made buckeyes. The last time I made these was for my wedding 2 1/2 years ago, and we made over 400. This time we made a single batch and they were done so quickly. How I ever convinced my mother and gramma to help me with that project, I'll never know. And somehow I managed to escape putting them in the wrappers and boxing them up, not to mention assembling the boxes, and closing and sealing them. Thank God for my matron of honor. [Side note to are the best and I didn't deserve the amount of work you put into that weekend!]
So now I'm getting home a week later and playing catch up with emails, phone messages and laundry. Anytime you get one-on-one time with Gramma, it's good. And yummy food! 7 days of yummy goodness. Thankfully her pantry is in the basement and I had to keep running up and down the steps.
So, what did I miss?
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Worst Movie Ever? Quite Possibly.
I think the premise of Whitney Houston (the worst actress ever, or pretty darn close) playing a character who was receiving an Oscar for Best Actress was so unbelievably ridiculous that the movie was ruined right there. Shouldn't the director have realized this and changed the script accordingly? Make her a singer receiving a Grammy...I'll buy it. The horrendous acting wouldn't have been so obvious. It's like trying to shoot a film about Paris in Tijuana. By the end of the, wait, that's a the middle of the movie, I wanted the bad guy to kill her and end the suffering for all of us.
And really, can you now watch anything with Whitney in it without hearing her yell "Bob-bay!!!!!!" I surely can't.
The Bodyguard...two hours of the worst crap you'll ever witness on film.
Monday, November 17, 2008
I'm In Love!!!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Crickets Chirping
I hate not working. I feel sluggish and dull. I feel unimportant and lazy. Most importantly, I feel like I'm not contributing, and that totally sucks. I'm praying that a door will open for me and I can find a job that will be fulfilling. Because I honestly cannot stand this inactivity!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Freaking Awesome Weather!!!
I know cold weather is coming, but I am just enjoying this for now. It reminds me of a Christmas Eve some years back...I think I was in junior high...and it was 70 degrees. We drove to my grandparents' house with the windows down. It reminds to just get out and enjoy the day because who knows what tomorrow will bring.
I'm off to enjoy the sunset.
Monday, October 27, 2008
I'm Not Ready
I'm freaking out here.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Virtual Vacation Day 3-Denmark, the Happiest Place on Earth
A few quick facts:
*Home of Hans Christian Andersen
*One of the oldest kingdoms dating back to Gorm the Old (910-958)
*Second-most visited country in Scandinavia
*Constitutional monarchy with parliamentary system of government
*Current Queen is Margrethe II
*Associated with being the home of the Vikings
*Population of 5.4 million
*Home to Lars Ulrich (Metallica drummer), Connie Nielsen (actress), and Helena Christensen (model).
My First European Blog Visitor
Hooray! I hear that Denmark has fabulous sandwiches called smorrebrod which are as varied and wonderful as can be. And their Crown Prince is quite the action man. And he married an Australian whose haircolor I covet.
In honor of this, I will be visiting Denmark tomorrow on my Virtual Vacation.
Death by Golf Club
Do you know what time he actually had to be here? 10AM!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was ready to KILL him when I found that out. I was so tired, and it was so warm and cozy in my bed and it was so dark outside. I could hear the rain and I did not want to move. But no, Mr. I Have To Be 2 Hours Early forced me up and out the door.
Obviously the only solution is death by golf club. Should I go with a driver or an iron?
Virtual Vacation-Day 2...Let's Scuba!!
Friday, October 24, 2008
I Declare a Virtual Vacation
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Catching Up
Curse you, Down Comforter!
That being said, I do love my winter bed! It's so cozy and inviting with it's fluffy down comforter and incredibly soft sheets. It begs you to hunker down and stay a while. Last March, when that awful blizzard came through, I spent most of that snowy Saturday in it, catching up on several months worth of magazines. It also makes it hard to get out of it on those super-cold mornings.
I hate winter. Why don't we just hibernate?
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Bad Hair in the Wind
First of all, let me just say that the amount of hair that men sported back then was, quite frankly, appalling! Was it really that attractive to women back then to date men who had hair longer than theirs? And the beards? Really? You needed emergency nesting material for whatever wayward bird flew your way?
The first video we saw was "Dust in the Wind" by Kansas. Folks, I've been in Kansas. They know about dust. Anyway, in the interest of full disclosure, I should also tell you it was the only video we saw. I was laughing too hard, so we changed the channel. Dave's first comment was "Jesus?" And I could totally see where he was coming from, as two of the band members did resemble him, except these guys clearly just came from their prom or a really awful wedding with the tuxes they were sporting.
And talk about a depressing song! I don't feel right just telling you about it. I want to share it as well! So here, good readers, is the video in question:
I'm off to find more videos from that era. I need the laughs today.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
I'm Tired of Politics
3 more weeks.
I can get through that, right?!?
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
A Blog for my Best Friend
Some people are blessed to live close enough to see their best friend on a regular basis. BJ and I are not that lucky. She lives in western Kentucky. I live in northeast Ohio. Before she moved there, she lived in Texas. We burn the phone lines, though. And when the opportunity arises, we are able to see each other. This weekend was one of those times. BJ, her husband and baby were up for the Quarter Horse Congress in Columbus, so I took an extra day off and had a long weekend with them. I got some cuddle time with their daughter, too, which is always a bonus!
Here is BJ doing what she does...I wish I knew more about it, but I just don't. But I am in awe at the wonderful life and career she has built for herself. Through thick and thin, she always sees the positive. She is a joy to me.
So this entry is dedicated to my very best friend, BJ, who reminds me to always look on the bright side, to live my life honestly, to love my husband with all my heart, and to embrace whatever comes my way.
BJ, I loved having three days to hang out with you. They were priceless. I cannot imagine my life without you as my sounding board, my cheerleader, my most sincere critic, and my calm before, during and after the storm.
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I'm a Pet Owner...okay, not really
So over there to the right, under that fabulous picture of my awesome husband on our honeymoon, you will find Pilar the Pig. She's kinda cute, and seems to be really enamored with her tail. If I do okay with her, I might find a friend for her. Maybe a turtle or a hedgehog. I love stuffed and cartoon pigs. I also like them roasted or fried, but don't tell Pilar. There is the cutest stuffed pink pig at Cracker Barrel. Someday, she will be mine.
When I was four, I was a flower girl in a wedding in Dayton. I lost my stuffed pig in the hotel. I just know that damn housekeeper gathered her up in the sheets and that was that. I was DEVASTATED. I cried all the way back to Columbus, then for two more nights. I wanted my pig!!!
And clearly I am still affected. And I still hate Dayton for it. Sorry, Daytonites, it's nothing personal...except if you were the housekeeper in question, and then it's entirely personal!
Monday, September 29, 2008
I've Been Tagged!
Random Fact 1. I was a Girl Scout for 1st through 12th grade. I won the Gold Award, and worked two years at summer camp as a counselor.
Random Fact 2. I have a fledgling pastry and cookie business.
Random Fact 3. I love, love, love chocolate peanut butter ice cream.
Random Fact 4. I am addicted to Spearmint Tic Tacs and they are nearly impossible to find in stores. I'm seriously considering buying them in bulk online.
Random Fact 5. I really enjoy reading cookbooks.
Random Fact 6. I have a mixed husband is a Republican and I am a Democrat. Sometimes I get so angry at his views that I want to throw something at him.
Random Fact 7. I worry incessantly about everything.
So, there you go! 7 random facts.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
A Bushel and a Peck
After picking, we always go to Ye Olde Mill for lunch and ice cream. Ye Olde Mill is the home of Velvet Ice Cream, which is really good. You've had it if you've ever eaten a dessert with ice cream at Bob Evans restaurants.
The best part of the day is the smell of the car on the way home. Yummy!!!
And for those of you who are curious, a peck is equal to 8 quarts or 16 pints. 4 pecks equal 1 bushel. And that is your lesson for the day.
Happy Apple Picking!!!
Friday, September 12, 2008
Wishin' and hopin’ and thinkin’ and prayin’
I was wrong.
While we are really just at the beginning of treatments available to us, I know that as we cross a method off the list, the odds of us conceiving become lower. It's so incredibly frustrating. I see people bounce into each other sideways who end up pregnant. I see people who probably, for all intents and purposes, should not have children, yet they have no issues in that department whatsoever.
I think the hardest thing is watching cases of abused children...children that were born into such horrific circumstances that you just know the chances of them growing up unscathed are slim. What I wouldn't give to hold and cuddle and cherish a child, and there are people out there that throw them away like trash. It just hurts so much.
I haven't written about our struggles with this before, and I'm not sure I will going forward. But I needed to put this down, because things aren't going well, and it is very hard emotionally. I see little ones and I yearn to be a mother. And while I would never begrudge someone's wonderful news, I must admit that sometimes the pain and frustration is overwhelming when someone announces a pregnancy. I don't want to be the person that lists our issues as a kind of scorecard, because that just highlights my failures.
But I do want to ask for your prayers and/or good thoughts.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Great American Pastime..or Losing 4 Hours to Really Bad Baseball
Here is our view... you don't get the "nosebleed high" feeling from the photo, but we were pretty far up there. How far, you ask? Well, we could see the passengers in the jets circling the field before landing at Hopkins Airport easier than we could make out the ball players. So high that the ball would travel past the pitcher's mound before we heard the "crack" of the bat.
Jacobs Field was renamed this year to Progressive Field, but make no mistake, I will always call it Jacobs Field or The Jake. I'd love to say it's because I'm protesting the corporate takeover of our daily lives, but really, it's just because it's been The Jake for something like 14 years. I simply cannot remember the new name. And there's no quick, cute nickname to call it.

Quick question...have ballpark hotdogs ALWAYS tasted like a salt lick? bite and my ankles instantly swelled.
Anyway...we won the game, but it was an endurance trial to sit there through so many innings of bad ball. Some of these guys are getting paid millions of dollars to let a ball roll through their glove...I'm looking at you, Grady Sizemore. T-Ball was more appealing than today's game. Thank goodness I had the distraction of jets flying by my left ear.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Not Exactly the Stones I Wanted for My Birthday
Apparently bad birthdays happen every 20 years for me. And no, I didn't get the peridot ring. I did, however, get Vicodin and rainbow sherbet. Now if that isn't a combo, I don't know what is!!
Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!!!!
Also sharing this day with me?
Fellow Ohioan Neil Armstrong, Maureen McCormick (Marcia, Marcia, MARCIA!), Loni Anderson, and Patrick Ewing.
So, no cake or celebrations today...but this weekend I'm reclaiming my day!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Fun Site
You put in a series of words, names, etc. and can turn it into a really cool piece of art for you blog, etc. Erin did one with her kids names and nicknames. I did one for Dave and I. It's on the right.
Very fun! Thanks Erin!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Happy Anniversary
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Who Even Picks Up Hitchhikers These Days?

I LOVE Cracker Barrel! And I do mean love!!! It's so fabulous. MMMM...Cracker Barrel! Wait, what was talking about? Right...road trip.
The reason it took so long was because the first part of the trip included rain of biblical proportions. No really...we got passed by an ark. Of course, it's not like I saw this. Like a good wife, I was sleeping in the passenger seat. But I did wake up in time for my favorite part of the trip to New York. If you've ever traveled the eastern section of I-90 between PA and Buffalo, I know you've seen this:Wait, what is that sign? Wildlife crossing? Tourist attraction? Nope!
That's says "Correctional Facility Area - Do Not Pick Up Hitchhikers." No, we didn't stop to take the photo. Dave wouldn't let me. I took the photo while the car was traveling at 65 mph. Not bad for our little digital! But what I didn't realize until I enlarged it when I got home was the fact that there is a car clearly parked on the shoulder and people are walking towards it. They're too well dressed for prisoners, unless the State of New York has increased the budget for prison wear astronomically. I just bet they all got their picture in front of that sign. I'm so jealous.
But the whole point is this...who picks up hitchhikers anywhere, much less there? I mean really? This happens?!? It's a PRISON! Can you just imagine the conversation?
Passenger: "Hey look, here comes someone in an orange jumpsuit from down by the double layer of razor wire." Driver: "Who said orange was the new pink?" Passenger: "Poor thing...let's give him a ride."
And scene!
Not to forget about Dave, who gamely drove the entire way both there and back. Here he is in all of his driving glory:
Thursday, July 3, 2008
The Norma Rae of Husbands
We may be going through a series of revamps until I find one that he can live with. OR I might decide to leave everything as is and tell him to suck it up, as he so eloquently tells me to do when I'm whining about something. Stay tuned.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Lyndonville, Here We Come!
Dave's family lives there, so it's always so much fun to see everybody. I'll post pics when I can.
Happy 4th, everybody!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
I Tried It Tuesday
They've introduced a new feature called I Tried It Tuesday. So here is my addition!
Recently, Chic Critique had a guest blogger, Nina, who shared a little secret about shaving. She's been using hair conditioner to shave her legs. I know what you're thinking, because I thought the same thing. But she assured the reader that the shave would be much smoother and last longer than with regular shaving cream.
Guess what...she was right!
I tried it first on one leg, with my original shaving cream on the other. The leg with hair conditioner was much smoother. The next day, I noticed I had stubble on the shaving cream leg. Still smooth on the conditioner side. So then I thought that maybe one leg's hair grows faster than the other. So I swapped legs. It still worked.
My legs are so smooth now, and so well moisturized. Who's a rock star? Ummm, that would be Nina, my new hero!!
And the very best thing? It's cheaper than than shaving cream. Bliss!!!
Friday, June 27, 2008
You say stalker, I say embarassing wife
And for those of you who are tempted to lecture about environmental impact, terrorist ties to SUV's, or that I'm driving up the price of gas, please spare me. I get it. That's why it's parked right now. But please understand that I live in Northeast Ohio, where we regularly get snow, sleet, freezing rain and ice during the 9 months when it isn't 90 degrees and 600% humidity. Two words...lake effect! The Explorer got us where we needed to be in March after we got two feet of snow.
No, that isn't an exaggeration...we literally got two feet in one system.
But I digress. I was about to tell you about Tuesday night, and my ability to mortify my husband right in front of an NFL player. Who's wife of the year? That's's me!
Rob Sims, who plays for the Seattle Seahawks (NFL, for those of you furrowing your brow right now), stopped by the course to hit a few balls at the range. Dave wanted to go out and meet him, so he trotted out to introduce himself. The next thing I know, Dave was hovering very close to him and gesturing. My husband gave his first lesson to an NFL star. Please don't debate me on the star thing...he's a former Buckeye after all.
So, where was I...yes the stalking thing.
Being the good wife that I am, I thought I would sneak out and try to take some pictures. By the way, Dave is in the blue hat and the red shirt. The big guy to the left of Dave, that's Rob Sims. Big guy, huh?
Nice Chevy Trailblazer, by the way.
Anyway, I was worried that they were too far away for the pictures to be clear, so I snuck closer. Into the parking lot. Which was fairly empty. That last picture...that's right before my husband looked at me and wished a huge sinkhole would swallow me up. God help any children we might have.