Friday, April 3, 2009

Spoiled?!? Surely, You Jest!

Some of you may remember that while Dave and I are living apart, I am staying with my Gramma and Mom during the week. It's pretty great that dinner is on the table when I get home, and my sheets are freshly-laundered every Sunday night. And the fact that, sometimes, my Gramma packs my lunch for me cannot be discounted in the slightest.

Okay, I am a *bit* spoiled. But I love the fact that I have this time with both of them. It's time I'll never regret, even though I am separated from Dave during the week. It's a trade-off, and I have to believe that we are on this path for a reason. Fingers crossed that he finds a job here soon. Until that happens, I'm incredibly lucky to have family that has room for me.

I love the fact that we laugh every single night. We share funny stories. Gramma told me a story about lipstick one night that had me in tears. Even now, thinking about it, I chuckle. And I'm so glad, I'm so thankful that the three of us enjoy being around each other.


Anonymous said...

Just found your blog and wanted to say hi. You will never regret the time you are spending with mom and grandma! My gma just moved in with my parents down the street from me and I am LOVING the special time I get to see her every day. Enjoy

Kim and Dave said...

Missy, thanks for commenting, and thanks for reading!