Its sweet, siren song has been calling to me for a few months. I rationalized getting it by explaining how it will help me stay connected now that I don't have internet at home during the week. Which translates to I need to be on Facebook and this blog after hours, so there!
Here's the transcript of a conversation Dave and I just had about the phone:
Dave: Does it have the pointer-thinger...the tick-tick-tick thing?
Me: No, it has the flick-flick-flick thing and the ch-ch-ch-ch-ch thing. No tick-tick-tick- tick though.
Dave: Oh, I thought you wanted a tick-tick-tick thinger.
Me: I don't need it.
I dare you to try to figure out what the heck we were talking about. We understood each other, but we both may be a little bit insane. A healthy level of insanity is required for marriage, right?
Hey, can someone let me out of this room? I don't like padded walls.
I'm that way with my iPhone. It goes everywhere I go, even to the bathroom. Enjoy your Crackberry!
I've been thinking about getting one because I go through Twitter withdrawal when I'm away from my computer. Now, that's addiction!
Was the tick-tick-tick thing the little stylus that you use on a touch screen? I have that, and I turn off the tick-tick-tick thing cuz it's too annoying. And I don't need it either.
When my kids want to play the bubble game on my Treo, I have to turn the sound down.
Congrats on the new toy!
OMG even after 5 mos I physically can't go anywhere without mine. It's truly an addiction. Maybe we could start a support group? We could all sit in a circle and text our feelings back and forth.
That's the funniest comment I've read in a long time!! Imagine the circle, all quiet, thumbs furiously tapping.
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