Thursday, May 28, 2009
No Pants-Off, Just Dance-Off
YouTube...killing time for Kim since 2006.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
I'd Like to Thank The Academy
First, the very large bottle of wine that Amy and I killed last night. You were yummy, and the perfect addition to girls night. We appreciate the sacrifice, but perhaps you could have warned me about the large headache you were inducing.
Second, my alarm clock. Your shrill beeping at 6:20, 6:25, 6:30, and 6:35 was certainly the way to start the day. Thanks for being so tenacious.
To the two police officers who blocked the left lane this morning during rush hour in order to run in and grab coffee...thanks so much, guys! I just wanted to let you know how helpful it was to have to switch lanes when it was bumper-to-bumper. Excellent! Hey, by the way, I'm heading home at 5pm and then I have to get to a class at 6:30pm. Perhaps you could block a lane on 670 for me then?
And finally, to the chucklehead on the phone first thing this morning who asked if I was Korean...thank you for letting me know I can be discriminated against simply because I have the same first name as a dictator. You're right, sir. Clearly I am to be lumped in the same category. What could my parents have been thinking?
Friday, May 15, 2009
My Gramma's Birthday
I think we all have an age or time that we stick our family members at. To me, my Gramma is in her 60s, my mom is 40-something, which makes me up past my bedtime!
I'm so lucky that my Gramma has been such a formative part of my life. I like to think I have some of my independence and spirit from her. She fought breast cancer and kicked its ass, while at the same time took care of my grampa when he was dying of heart disease. She watched her second husband fight stomach and liver cancer which ultimately took his life. She has an iron will and a spine of steel. She laughs in the face of osteoporosis, arthritis and a genetic predisposition for strokes.
And, most importantly, she laughs at all of my jokes. I love her with a fierceness that is reserved for only the most important people in my life.
One of my favorite memories is from the morning of my wedding day. It was 6am and I couldn't sleep. I went out to the living room and she was sitting there. She and I talked about the past, the present and the future. We laughed, we cried. And I realized that no matter how old I get, I am still her grandbaby. And I am proud to carry that title.
Happy Birthday, Gramma! I love you so very much.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Big News
My mom is engaged! As in, getting married! To a really great gentleman who treats me like his own daughter. I'm so thrilled for her. I knew it was coming, but wasn't sure exactly when. I got a call from her Friday night as I was driving home to Cleveland.
I finally saw the ring this morning and it is gorgeous.
I am so happy. And I get to help plan a wedding that isn't my own. Hooray!
Congratulations, Mom. I am so happy for you and Don!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
I Don't Have A Problem...I Can Quit Anytime I Want!

Its sweet, siren song has been calling to me for a few months. I rationalized getting it by explaining how it will help me stay connected now that I don't have internet at home during the week. Which translates to I need to be on Facebook and this blog after hours, so there!
Here's the transcript of a conversation Dave and I just had about the phone:
Dave: Does it have the pointer-thinger...the tick-tick-tick thing?
Me: No, it has the flick-flick-flick thing and the ch-ch-ch-ch-ch thing. No tick-tick-tick- tick though.
Dave: Oh, I thought you wanted a tick-tick-tick thinger.
Me: I don't need it.
I dare you to try to figure out what the heck we were talking about. We understood each other, but we both may be a little bit insane. A healthy level of insanity is required for marriage, right?
Hey, can someone let me out of this room? I don't like padded walls.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Here's Something Funny...My Commute!
Every day. Bumper to bumper. Columbus needs rail service or 3 more lanes on every highway in each direction.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Was That A Tumbleweed Rolling By?
In the corner!
I hear you snoring!!!